Forside - Søg efter Marsvin - Dyr profil - Stamtavle: Alexanders Sigismund

generationer     Billeder Typer Indavlsgrad Procent Blod     

Alexanders Sigismund Byhålans Zack Abbylines Archie Boy Poseidon vom Bostelhaar Maximillian l vom Bostelhaar
Aparts Julia Tornados Curare
Winniepigs Lizzy Calypsos Copiad BIR-95 SCH Calypsos Cascall [mere]
5Boy-94 SCH Calypsos Caprice [mere]
Winniepigs Debbie SCH Night Caps Owen [mere]
Winniepigs Lizette
Byhålans Raiza BIR99 4BOY99 SCH Passions Touch of Lucidity Willow of Sparkes
SCH Passions Touch of Tiffany SCH O'fixas The Power Of Colour William Shakespear
O'fixas Cherelie
Mymlans Tiffany
Byhålans Vega

Nefatiti von Nitouche
Antal (forskellige) dyr i stamtavlen: 25 (25) [100.0%]

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