Forside - Søg efter Marsvin - Dyr profil - Stamtavle: Chelseas Big Eared Bitch

generationer     Billeder Typer Indavlsgrad Procent Blod     

Chelseas Big Eared Bitch Cee Cider Asterex Bad Boy Billy
Andien Centti

Asterex Bloody Mary DKCH Asterex Mallow Malaxis Etyd Malaxis Hot or Not Malaxis Hot Toddy SCH Coastwind Poetic Justice [mere]
SCH Malaxis Millenium Mashmallow [mere]
Malaxis Galatea
Passions Flicka SCH Passions Fubar
SCH Passions Whatever SCH Coastwind Poetic Justice [mere]
Passions Wannabe [mere]
Asterex Penny DKCH SCH Asterex New Star And Stripe BIR-99 BOY3-99 SCH DKCH Reflections Cowboy Reflections Lone Star [mere]
Reflections Lonesome Dove [mere]
Sigis Chanel Stormy Bear vom Regenbogental
Lhinacre Icy Business SCH Lhinacre Love Is The Drug Lhinacre Don't Fool Around [mere]
SCH Lhinacre Love Story [mere]
Lhinacre Business Edition Lhinacre Peabody [mere]
SCH Lhinacre Ain't Your Business [mere]
Noas Amber of Joy
Antal (forskellige) dyr i stamtavlen: 33 (32) [97.0%]

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